Friday, April 16, 2010

Day off

Friday, April 16, 2010

Today Ryan stayed home, honestly mommy didn't want to get out of bed to take Ryan to school. But both Ryan and Chloe are enjoying the company of each other today. He helped Chloe clean up a "mess" she made in the potty this morning. And helpded her to find a new diaper when she needed it. They're too cute together. Later on they were playing outside. Ryan wanted to have an "Easter Egg" hunt in the back yard. But mommy told him to put his shoes on before going into the grass. He was very confused why Chloe wasn't listening and putting her shoes on as well. "Chloe, mommy said put your shoes on". "Chloe you're going to get owies on your feet if you don't put your shoes on". I defintily blessed to have such a caring son. Cares that mommy doesn't feel good, wants to make sure that I'm not too sick. (Just a sinus headache don't worry) Cares that the little puppy acrossed the street got locked out of her house when the family left. Cares that his sister is happy and loves to play with her. I love it when he makes her laugh, her giggle is so cute coming from the room they are playing in together. They may fight sometimes but they are really good together. I'm glad that we had them so close together!
Thank you God

1 comment:

  1. Hey!! Nice blog, I like the polka dots ;) For some reason I'm just a gray head under followers instead of my pic, grrr. Your kids are too cute. :D
